Friday, March 14, 2025

CCR production ideas

Production ideas 🎥

Unfortunately I was not present for the group meetings but in this blog post I will be discussing CCR post ideas. 

1- An idea I have for one of my CCR post is a podcast. I want to create this podcast in a way where viewers will stay interested and not get board by viewing it. I will attempt to do this by adding visuals and image inserts as one way during the podcast to keep viewers interested.  To add onto this I will have a guest appearance ( my actor) during the podcast to switch up the voices and make viewers interested in what they have to say. Lastly I will add into my podcast is sounds in the background such as when the guest walks into I would add a faint sound of clapping or cheering, or is a joke is made I will add another faint sound of laughing or giggling.


2- My second idea for a CCR post is a idea I have seen on tick-tock but I have changed up the events. The video I have seen on tick-tock where an influencer goes on runs and collaborates with other influencers by convincing them to go on runs with her and interviews them. I take inspiration from this but I would create it in my own way. The way I would create it is  instead of running I would be gong on a walk to get the best shots and not have a shaky and unstable camera. I would also take inspo from  meting up with influencers when on the run, but instead I would meet up with on of the actors from my film and interview them. I think this is a good way to keep viewers interested because on top of the guest interview there will be changing scenery while walking. 

EX) @katemackz - this is the tick tock creator that I am taking inspiration from.  

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

CCR research 1@2

CCR post- my first CCR post is going to be a podcast. To keep the viewers interested I will make sure to include in my podcast, engaging content such as picture inserts, have captivating information that makes viewers focused, and a guest interview. 

  • The first to questions I will be answering in the podcast are:
1-How do products challenge convections and represent social media. 
  • media challenges trends on social media platforms such as,  representing social media and influencers who create marketing tactics such as videos or adds, it creates trends also such memes, posts, and other engaging videos.
  • It also represents social media by being created specifically to grab a target audience’s attention. 
2-Genre conventions 
  • They set an expectation for the whole film and create a tone. 
  • Ex) romance movies ends on good terms and focus on two main characters who have a love interest,  horror movies ends in bad ways and add suspense through the whole film with the music and added sounds. 

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Production post


I started off my production outside to get all the first shots and do a trial to prefect the lighting. When working outside in the dark it is Hard to perfect the lighting and get a clear view of the objects, setting , and characters. This is one obstacle I ran into, but after a few different shots and lighting changes I overcame that obstacle. Over all I have collected many shots for my film so far. 

 This is an example of a test shot to see hoe the lighting would work in this setting and how the darkness would effect the shot. There are many other test shots that where taken to find the perfect lighting to create the best possible film opening. 

Sunday, March 2, 2025


 Planning- for the production of my film I am planing on where to film and what times are the best for lighting out doors. For the props the planing is minimal, any kitchen knife will work. The last part of planing will be the fake blood and sfx makeup, for the fake blood there are many ways to make it or it is easy to order online. And lastly for the sfx makeup a simple kit online will work for this production. Overall most of the planing for the production is done , and these are the last bits I am bringing together. 

CCR production ideas

Production ideas 🎥 Unfortunately I was not present for the group meetings but in this blog post I will be discussing CCR post ideas.  1- An...